Monday, July 18, 2011


I had a thought when I was back in Denver, about this spider that has been trapped in the bath tub in the basement of my dad's house.  I am not a fan of spiders, and in an act of nonviolence I let it exist as if I am some god allowing it to be there.  I then had an interesting time pondering just to how to kill the spider.  Apparently normal methods would not do for that insists on touching some creature that I have no desire to interact with.  I then thought why not turn on the faucet, but only a little bit, slowly filling the tub until the spider was drowned.  I then realized how sadistic that was and partially startled myself at the dark places ones mind can go.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I just sprayed a cockroach to death with windex *repin' the dark place sadism* - but, in consolation, I did hold a pretty nice ceremony afterwards.
