Tuesday, July 12, 2011

First Morning

I arrived at Shannon International Airport at 7 am on Saturday.  I had not realized that i needed to wait for the bus which was coming at eleven so I met up with my friend Trisha and we spent the next couple hours waiting for the other students and the bus to take us to Ballyvaughan.  It was a bit of a ridiculous morning. The group was in the dark about really when the bus was going to show up and two of the people from our group had their luggage lost which was a total bummer for them.
  We then proceeded to take a forty minute lift to Ballyvaughan which I slept a little bit but still was only rocking about six hours of sleep in a two day span.  Once we got there we hung out and prepared to take a tour of the town and get introduced to where we were living.  Ballyvaughan is tiny maybe a two street village located in the Burren area of Ireland which is really beautiful.  Which can get annoying because everwhere you turn is pretty much a postcard photo and within the first two days of being there i had taken over 100 photos.

This is our house.  There are six of us living here and all in all it is a pretty good group.  I really needed food at that time so i hit up a pub and grabbed a tuna melt and a Bulmers before returning to our place.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Bulmers!!! Can you bring me one back in your suitcase?
